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Program Description
Are you an analytical, creative and conceptual thinker that loves to dive deep into the why and how? What if you had an opportunity in high school to take part in college-level lab work to answer questions such as: How can bacteria be used to clean up oil spills? Can algae produce biofuel? Can farmers combat insects using a toxin produced by bacteria? Can we revolutionize organ transplantation using organ scaffolds and stem cells? If these examples interest you, then you should consider jumpstarting your science career in the two-year Biotechnology Academy! Biotechnology is an emerging science that is defined as using biological processes and products to improve man-made products or processes.
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3D Lab Room and Course
Instruction Video
- Microbiology
- Molecular understanding of genetics
- DNA applications
- Laboratory skills
- Scientific research
- Lab technician
- Biomedical engineer
- Pharmaceutical sales rep
- Research scientist
- Medical researcher
- Medical doctor
- Forensic Pathologist
- Excellent attendance record
- Minimum 2.5 GPA
- “C” or better in Biology
LENGTH: Two years
SCHOOL: Woodridge High School
- Level I: Honors English, 1 cr; Honors Human Anatomy*, 1 cr; Honors Biochemistry of Health, 1 cr; Biotechnology for Health and Disease, 1 cr.
*Eligible students may earn CCP credits - Level II: Honors English, 1 cr; Honors Bioinfomatics, 1 cr; Genetics of Disease, 1 cr; Biotechnology for Health and Disease II, 1 cr; Health Science Capstone, 1cr. (4.0).
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